Weston is advocating smart water practices by offering discounted rain barrels to residents. Scroll to bottom of page to find out how to purchase your discounted rain barrel, help your community manage its water supplies, minimize storm water runoff and start saving money on your water bill.
If you have any questions at the time of pick up, call the DPW 781-786-5100 .
Barrels ship with spigot, plugs, screen, lid overflow valves, flex tube and instructions inside the barrel. The only additional accessories you may want to consider are the Diverter and the Polished River Stones
Barrels slide easily into the back seat of a 4 door sedan, two barrels or more fit into most hatchbacks and SUVS. Barrels do not fit in a car trunk.
Special Note about Color of the Unpainted Rain Barrel
Barrels come in black or gray, we cannot guarantee which color will be available at time of distribution. If color is important please select either painted Nantucket Gray or Earth Brown (almost black.) Currently we do not have any gray barrels available, this may change at the distribution.