
This program is closed for 2022

Plymouth is among the many towns nationwide offering discounted rain barrels to their residents. The Town strongly encourages the use of rain barrels as part of its town-wide water conservation program. Collected rain water helps during times of drought and aids in controlling runoff during heavy rains.  It can be used for watering gardens, lawns, washing cars, and many other non-potable purposes. Whether you tap into Plymouth’s sole-source aquifer directly via a private well, get your water from a local water company, or are served by Plymouth’s municipal water system, using rainwater reduces overall water demand. This is especially valuable in times of drought. When rain arrives in torrents, diverting some into rain barrels helps slow down runoff and limits erosion. And because rainwater isn’t chlorinated, it’s great for plants and lawns.

For all of these reasons, the Plymouth Department of Public Works, Water Division, and Water Conservation Committee have teamed up with the Great American Rain Barrel Company to offer Plymouth residents this rain barrel opportunity!

“Note: these rain barrels are not compatible with the Systern rain barrels provided to pilot program participants by the Plymouth DPW in summer 2021. These barrels cannot necessarily be interconnected with the earlier model; however they can be placed under different downspouts to increase the volume of rain water collected.”



Pickup Instructions

  • 06/18/2022 - 06/18/2022
  • Saturday, June 18th 10:00am- 12:00noon
  • Plymouth DPW Lot 159 Camelot Drive, Plymouth, MA.

Directions to DPW Lot 159 Camelot Drive, Plymouth, MA.


Deadline for ordering

  • 06/09/2022
  • Midnight

Ordering Instructions

  • Click on pictures below to access products that are on special for your community
  • Billing address must be consistent with address of credit card that you are using
  • Buyers are committing to pick up at the distribution time and location listed above.

Additional Information

  • Barrels ship with spigot, plugs, screen, lid overflow valves, flex tube and instructions inside the barrel.
  • The only additional accessories you may want to consider are the Diverter and the Polished River Stones.
  • You install the spigot into the barrel so you do not need to indicate which port you intend to use.
  • To view installation instructions, helpful hints  and FAQ’s, click on the More Info tab above
  • For installation videos, click on the How to Use tab above
  • Barrels slide easily into the back seat of a 4 door sedan, two barrels or more  fit into most hatchbacks and SUVS.
  • Barrels do not fit in a car trunk.

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