Bellingham is encouraging smart water practices for residents. Rain Barrels are a first step in conserving water, helping communities to manage their water supplies, preventing toxins from entering into aquifers and helping residents save on the rising cost of water.
Scroll down and click on barrels to find out more info and to purchase The Great American Rain Barrel at a discount.
Bellingham is offering a $20.00 discount on each barrel to Bellingham residents for the first 100 barrels. To participate please enter the coupon BELL25 in the coupon field at checkout. Non residents are not eligible for this discount. If you are not a resident please do not purchase. Orders processed by non Bellingham residents will not be processed and will be refunded up to 30 days after the distribution
Barrels ship with spigot, plugs, screen, lid overflow valves, flex tube and instructions inside the barrel. The only additional accessories you may want to consider are the Diverter and the Polished River Stones.